Group coaching with a facilitative approach

“You arrive with an individual problem and leave with a team solution.”

You are not alone with your problem, the diversity of the group and the attitude of others will help you find the right answer. The wisdom of the group is greater than that of the individuals, so you may come up with solutions that you would not even think about. We create a safe environment where you can build on the strength of the group while also developing on an individual level. Strong and deep relationships develop in the learning community through shared experience. Each participant receives the attention of an entire group, the work is on several topics so the process is more effective.

Objective: to deal with individual bottlenecks and difficulties, activation for finding a solution

When is group coaching recommended?

  • you have a challenge and open or new perspectives to listen to
  • you are ready to connected to others and want to be inspired by their thoughts
  • you want to experience what is like working on yourself in a safe environment
  • you are willing to help someone with your thoughts and approach to find his own solution
  • you believe and know that continuous improvement is part of a productive life